However, you can download the old version on your computer. Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported. This bundle includes Chrome MSI Installer, Administrative Templates, and Google’s Legacy Browser tool.Ĭhrome Bundle 32bit – Download Google Chrome for Windows XP 32-bit

If you are looking for easy way to deploy and manage chrome within your company then download the package and get all the tools you need. Download Google Chrome Offline Installers (64-bit, 32-bit) Stable, Beta, Canary Home Web Browsers Chrome Chrome Download Google Chrome Offline Installers (64-bit, 32-bit) Stable, Beta, Canary By Usman Khurshid. MSI package allows system level installation providing system administrators control over the update process.Ĭhrome MSI for Windows 32-bit – Download Chrome Browser for enterprise Download: Google Chrome Offline Installer 32-bit 89.3 MB. Supported OS: Windows 10/8.1/8/7 64-bit Download Chrome Official Installer MSI Supported OS: Windows 10/8.1/8/7 32-bit Download Google Chrome Offline Installer 64 bitĬhrome 64 bit is more secure, stable and fast than the 32-bit version. Download: Google Chrome offline installer. Google Chrome Offline Installer Free Download Full Version For Windows 7/8/8.1/10/xp/. Download Chrome offline installer for latest stable version. This version uses almost half RAM than 64-bit version but uses more CPU. Google Chrome Offline Installer Latest Version For Windows 32-64 Bit. Google provides the 32-bit version of software with exact look and feel.

If your PC does not support 64-bit software.